Sunday, August 14, 2011


So, I figured instead of trying to remember all the cool stories that go with these pics i would just let them perty much speak for themselves. I want to get them all up for you to enjoy!

This first picture was geoff's doing...of course! She flipped us off all by herself but geoff wasn't about to let the moment pass without proper documentation. Also, this is when we discovered that she's allergic to fabric softener, hence all the hives. Come to think of it that's probly why she was flippin me off!

This next picture was of Livia drinking her first bottle. I was holding the bottle and talking to my sister in law when i realized that i wasn't even doing anything. I let go and she drank the rest of the bottle like this!

Bathies are her favorite. She has never ever cried during bath-time, except and the end when i'm taking her out.

We went to the zoo with Elise, Sonja and Odin. Once again, she slept through the whole thing. Did I mention that i'm pretty sure she's going through and growth spurt?

Family picture!

Daddy and Liv playing around. We discovered that if you laugh to her, she'll laugh back at you. Perty smart girl!

Anywho... As you can tell, we are pretty much the luckiest parents in the world. We have the perfect little baby and lucky for you guys she changes everyday, so i'll be sure to keep you updated!


lauren said...

YAAAAAAAAY!!! I've been needing a Livia fix for a while now. Those pictures were SO cute! She's such a freakin doll.

giulia said...

more please!!!! Welcome back to the blogging world. :)