Sunday, August 14, 2011

Yippee Ki-Yay!

So after a long absence from the blogging world, i have decided that now i will stop being a bum and start back up again. Last night Liv and I went out to Mudlake to watch the rodeo. She was so excited...she slept through the whole thing! Poor little thing missed out on all the fun. ;) every once in a while when the announcer would get real excited and start yelling over the microphone she'd crack one eye open and look at me with a look that said ' would somebody shut that guy up?!'

The main reason we wanted to go to the rodeo was to watch all that good barrel racing, and Seth just so happened to be riding his first buckin bronco so we decided since we were out, we could probly stay and watch him too! ;) He did such a good job! If we're being totally honest, I think he had a bit of an unfair advantage, he's so tall he could wrap his legs around the whole horse and hook his feet underneath. All those other bronc riders are unfortunately short and stubby (course maybe that's how seth will look after a few more rides!)

If you watch real close in the video, there was a point right at the beginning where he almost fell off but later he told us, "I lost my stirrup right when i came out of the shoot. I almost fell of right then but then i thought to myself...wait a sec, 400 bucks is a lot of money! So i just squeezed my legs together real tight and hung on." I was so proud of him. If you're wise you'll turn the volume way down before you watch this cuz i got a little excited!

1 comment:

lauren said... crack me up.

Also, thank you for the heads up on the volume thing.

And.... THANK YOU for the video. He did SOOO good! He's such a stud! Made me a little homesick. I can't wait until November!!!

You better post more!