Monday, September 19, 2011

Family Time!

So, a few Sundays ago we took some family pictures, and i LOVE how they turned out!
Thanks to Brian and Elise for taking them.

* Just a little p.s... this is my favorite one! I know she's screaming but i just love that we were trying to be all cute and she had other plans. I just love my family!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

well, i was right!

Livia got her shots and we both cried like babies. The only difference was that i was the only one getting funny looks! ;) Geoff did end up coming with me and thank heavens for that! At the beginning of the appointment Livia was super happy, she laughed the whole time he was measuring her because his tape made a clicky noise ever time he pulled it out. But, when they came in to give her shots and asked us to hold down her arms i quickly retreated to the corner and left Geoff to do the dirty work. As soon as they stabbed her with the needle she got the saddest look on her face that i've ever seen and then she started screaming. Once she started crying i couldn't stop was awefully traumatizing! Geoff was teasing me about it on our way home so i had to explain to him that we both just have different strengths as parents. I'm good at nursing, he's not. He's good at holding her down while they torture her, i'm not!

I'm really not sure what he was expecting though, because i told him that when i had to get shots when i was in 8th grade, i cried my eyes out! Oh well though thankfully it's all over and we don't have to get more for another 2 months. But you can bet Geoff will be at that he'd ever send me by myself! :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tomorrow's gonna be a SH*T day!

That's right people tomorrow, Livia gets her shots! I am so not looking forward to this, all I can do is cross my fingers that Geoff can come with us! She was supposed to get her shots last week and the night before i was supposed to take her in I cried, and cried, and cried! I told Geoff that I just don't want to take her someplace where I know she's gonna get hurt or be in pain. I know it's silly because in the long run it will be better for her but it still doesn't make me feel better. Anyway, we had to reschedule her shots to tomorrow because she was sick last week the day of her appt and i didn't want to give her body another thing to deal with. So, I guess we will see how it goes tomorrow and we'll find out who cries more...her or me!

I never...

I went to visit Geoff at Lucy's in Idaho Falls and when i walked in one of the girls i used to work with asked me how i liked being a mom and i had to tell her i don't like it...I LOVE it! I never would have thought that having Livia would make me so happy!! Then it got me thinking about the other things that i never did before i had Liv, and there are quite a few that might shock you!

Before I had Livia, I never...

* Laughed so hard at a raised eyebrow
* Thought farting in the tub was funny
* Didn't mind when someone puked all down my shirt
* Laughed when i got poop under my finger nail when changing a diaper (it was late, usually i don't laugh, i just smile!)
* Wanted to put a pair of shoes in my cedar chest
* Been able to change a diaper in about 5 seconds flat
* Woke up every hour at night to listen to a baby monitor
* Now, this is a big one people...Before i had Livia I never let Geoff pick out any outfits! (not even his own! j/k ;)
* I would say that I have never cried when thinking about getting shots, but that's just not true. I think i cried when i had to go get shots in the 7th grade.

Anyway, I'm sure as the days and years go on, i will find so many more things that i never would have been blessed to experience without my baby... and i sure as heck can't wait to find out what they are!